Stephen Shortt

Stephen Shortt
Stephen is a GP principal at East Leake Medical Group, Nottinghamshire. He is a graduate of Nottingham University Medical School and his post graduate experience was in number of hospital specialities at Nottingham University and City hospitals and in a local general practices.
He founded Nottingham Emergency Medical Services GP co-operative, was a member of the national development team for NHS Direct, becoming its local medical director. He also lead the establishment of the Nottingham Walk-in Centre.
Stephen was appointed as a GP Advisor to the Department of Health, working on primary care, emergency care policy and the implementation of the Carson Out of Hours Review. He also undertook a two year secondment as a Senior Civil Servant and clinical lead in the Department of Health Strategy Unit.
He was a board member of Rushcliffe PCG and PCT before becoming Professional Executive Committee Chair of first Rushcliffe PCT and then Nottinghamshire County PCT. He is Chair of Rushcliffe CCG. He founded Principia social enterprise and lead the bid and is clinical lead for the implementation of the Principia Rushcliffe Vanguard MCP. He is clinical lead for the Greater Nottingham Transformation Board New Care Models programme. He is one of the co-founders of PartnersHealth LLP.
He is a professional Northerner, a lover of all things Mancunian from Morrissey and The Smiths to Manchester City.
Post: GP Lead